WFDP Participate on Halal Expo in Istanbul


WFDP Participate on Halal Expo in Istanbul

  • By, Admin
  • 01 Dec, 2019

World Fund for Development and Planning (WFDP) has been invited to Halal Expo in Istanbul, Turkey, under the patronage of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, with the participation of all Islamic organizations and the participation of the International Federation of International Universities, the Fund was represented at the conference by the Fund's Ambassador of the Middle East Counselor Amer Al-Shabani, the Deputy Head of the Mission for Women Affairs Dr. Mona Al-Azzazi and Dr. Emad Alzghoul The Fund's Cultural Attache.

WFDP Mission (Al Shabani and his team) had many deals and Protocols with many countries who attend in the event (as Minister of Forign Affairs of Nigeria , Minster of Trade of Sengal, vice Minister of Trade of Turkey , and many Ambassadors for countries who attend the event)


The most important recommendations of the conference are:
- Encourage trade between Islamic countries 
- Increase trade dealings and exchange of expertise in science and research fields


The conference was held from 28th to 30th of November, 2019. Istanbul, Turkey.

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