
·       Our main commitment is to continue to pave the way for scientists, inventors and innovators to find optimum solutions for mankind.

·       Dissemination of a culture of responsible freedom for all.

·       Support and enhance development ethics, good conduct and change initiatives.

·       Call for freedom of all people as the means for communities to express their desire to have full rights.

·       Adopt approaches which contribute to eradicate poverty and disease in member states.

·       Ensure healthcare and regular education for all children in remote and poor areas worldwide.

·       Prepare professional coaches, leaders, mentors and experts to be responsible for leading the human resources.

·       We strive to create awareness about the importance of human resources development, as our goal is to meet the needs of the labor market within the domestic, regional and international labor market.

·       Support the Africa’s development initiative in agriculture, livestock, mineral resources, industry and trade. 

·       Enhancement of comprehensive economic development, education, infrastructure and labor-intensive industries in member states.

·       Collaborate with relevant authorities and encourage them to participate in international conferences, seminars and forums being held on various human rights topics, arbitration and logistics development.